Notes from the Publisher

  • RSS Notes from the Publisher

    • Publisher’s Notes – May 2024
      I keep hearing “let me make this perfectly clear!” most of it is not clear because they are not following our Constitution. Gag order on Trump is Un-Constitutional! Everyone affiliated with the trial can do Social Media and talk to the press BUT TRUMP CAN NOT Ruled by the judge. That is Un-Constitutional! I can’t […]
    • AI Effects to the Newspaper Industry
      Trying to understand how AI effects the Newspaper, magazine industry. As far as Copy Righting articles. I understand when a writer,  write’s something or an article and Ai finishes it or enhances  the article with a lot of facts. The writer can copy right what he or she put into AI but not what AI […]
    • Bernie Sanders 32 Hour Week
      By TomL Will a 32 hour work week happen? It was introduced by Bernie Sander a Socialist. Should we trust him? I just put him the same category as Joe Biden. Well let me tell you a story about my 32 hour work week. It starts out in the 60’s Hollywood Florida at a company […]
    • Publisher’s Notes April 2024
      I would like to start out with a question. How many of you patriots stand and put your hand over your heart when the National Anthem comes on TV at 6 am? Last Sunday 6 am the national anthem came on Fox News. I was at the sink sorting Mulberries’ when the National Anthem started […]
    • Publisher’s Notes March 2024
      By TomL I attended a Marion County Builders Association lunch meeting. Met some old friends and met some new business associates. Very friendly group of Business people. ——– Michael Cassidy was charged after destroying a Satanic display statue. Apparently he is charged with a class D felony for destroying the display at the Iowa State […]
    • American “True Grit!”
      By TomL Many Americans have been known for their bravery, grit, pride, family, God and country. Most have a lot of grit meaning they face danger with resolution, take action and move on to the next challenge. I remember when the movie “True Grit” came out staring John Wayne. In the movie John Wayne had […]